About us

I’m Paul - Full transparency : I am not medical doctor, or even an expert.

But if you find yourself reading this, it means we are alike in at least 2 aspects : 
  • We are parents who want to ensure our children grow as happy, and healthy, as possible
  • Both you and I have become aware of all the ways a modern way of life, and the modern diet in particular can have disastrous consequences

     My daughter, too young for the Jurassic Jaw bars but very cool regardless

My son, unimpressed  when he was told we had run out of stock!
As a child you probably drank absurd quantities of sugary soda and very few people batted an eye at that.
I strongly believe we will see the soft diet we feed to our kids the same way, right now very few people are aware of the problem and its extremely adverse negative consequences for the health of our children.
 The world might awaken to it in a decade, but the problem is that in a decade it will already be too late for our children. So as I went looking for solutions, I found none that fit all my requirements : 
  1. Something that children want to eat (we all know the uphill battle it can be otherwise)
  2. That is not a choking hazard (like gum)
  3. That is healthy (especially difficult to pair with 1.)
  4. That provides a meaningful chew, enough to make a difference on a day-to-day basis
With close to a decade of experience in product development I decided to tackle the issue myself and invested countless hours in researching it : this is how Jurassic Jaw was born.
The best vote of confidence I can give about our product is that my own son (and myself, it simply tastes good) eat it.